Home General overview The MET Alliance is a group of national aeronautical meteorological service providers from eight European States that cooperate on further improvement and rationalisation of the meteorological services for aviation. Each Member has a unique knowledge of its own area of operations. Within the MET Alliance this expertise is shared and resources are brought together.
The MET Alliance day-to-day business is handled by the MET Alliance Board supported by a Secretariat based in Brussels. The MET Alliance Steering Committee, which consists of the CEO's of Austro Control and skeyes and the Directors of ANA Luxembourg, Met Éireann, MeteoSwiss, KNMI, DWD and Météo France, supervises all activities.
Toward the Single European Sky (SES)
The aeronautical meteorological world is rapidly changing. The Single European Sky initiative aims at harmonization of the European airspace. Meanwhile, there is strong pressure from the airlines and regulators on the issue of costs, while there is also a need from the users for innovative new products and the use of up-to-date technologies.

Our mission
MET Alliance will improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of aeronautical meteorological services of its members by satisfying user needs and by defining best practices.
MET Alliance covers the areas of operational forecasting and observations, technical infrastructure and communications, development, training and organisation.

Our vision
MET Alliance plays a vital role in ensuring and improving the safety of aeronautical activities and in increasing air transport capacity and efficiency within an environmental framework.
This role is realized by providing the best available quality of service by each member through the most efficient management of their collective resources.

Our strategy for 2015-2018
MET Alliance stimulates cross-border and regional collaboration, to better meet user's requirements . The members of MET Alliance fulfil its mission by collecting requirements and sharing information, identifying and using synergies to reduce cost, harmonizing products and procedures and promoting them to stakeholders. MET Alliance focuses on joint development and operational implementation. MET Alliance respects each member’s own position, especially regarding Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB). It anticipates sub-regional developments by optimizing national services using the international perspective provided by MET Alliance.
In a quick evolving context, MET Alliance gives itself the means to remain flexible.

©MET Alliance, January 2017, disclaimer